Organic REV - Success In The Greenhouse

A Greenhouse Grower in Canada Sent Us This Strong Testimonial!

We recently received this glowing testimonial and impressive photos from a greenhouse grower in Canada who started by using Organic REV only on his plantings and transplants – but after seeing such dramatic results he is now using REV on everything that he grows.

“Good day,

I am so thrilled with how REV is working on my greenhouse transplants and direct seeded plants. I usually see stress on all my transplants and this year using REV even with the greenhouse getting up to 44C a couple of times there has been no shock to them.

Plants like watermelon and cantaloupe usually grew terrible but I have a small cantaloupe that already has 5 or 6 buds and have never seen this kind of growth or health so early in the season. Eating onions and won’t be long for greens like bok Choi and Tatsoi etc.

I bought about 5 tomato plants to get a head start and 5 peppers as mine are about a month behind but the rate they are growing they will catch up to the bought ones. I started with 3 x 16 oz bottles and now ordered 3 x 32 oz bottles as I have used it also on fruit tree, tree and shrub transplants.  Everything is getting REV watering or foliage spray.

Will keep you updated as the season progresses but if how everything’s doing so far I am looking at bumper crops from our only vegetable source in our yard.

Thanks for the great product, you have a lifer here,”


UPDATE: Two weeks Later

Pics taken last week inside the greenhouse. That cantaloupe now has more than 17 buds and you can see the growth since the first one.

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