Why Your Plants Crave Carbon

Essential Organic Carbon is the Cornerstone of Any Healthy and Productive Crop, Lawn, or Garden.

The levels of organic carbon in soils have a tremendous influence on the most important characteristics of the soil - particularly its ability to hold nutrients and utilize those nutrients - which in turn influences the soil’s relationship with water and its ability to aerate with critical oxygen.

Organic REV replaces depleted soil carbon & bacterial biomass and absorbs nutrients to make them more readily available to plants via their root systems – while increasing soil organic matter going forward. 

While this is of course a significant benefit even in areas where soil quality and fertility are already very high - the compound is a game-changing application in areas of the world where soil organic matter is highly depleted.  Evidence of this has already been seen in the U.S. in areas where there are high alkaline or salinity levels in the soil and crops struggle to grow - if at all - but respond dramatically to REV when applied.

The article linked here was written by Jocelyn Lavalle and Francesca Cotrufo of Colorado State University – and was published in The Conversation.  It provides an in-depth – but easy to understand – overview of soil organic matter and why it is so important to the health of your crop, garden, lawn or trees.

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