
  • ‘Bud’ Bowers is a long-time cotton farmer at Corrin Bowers & Son Farms in Luray, South Carolina.  After an accidental 2 4-D herbicide burn on 60 acres of cotton – Bud thought that he had lost those acres completely.  He applied a foliar application of 1-quart of REV per acre with water along...
  • Increase Yields With Fewer Inputs

    The prices for common fertilizers continue to sit at near historic highs.  Three years of supply chain disruptions, global conflict and shipping challenges have caused the cost of fertilizers and other soil inputs to surge.  A recent article in Yahoo Finance  highlights just how d...
  • Conserve Water With Organic REV

      Decades of Results Within the Sports Turf and Agriculture Sectors Prove that the Unique Material At the Core of Organic REV Can Increase Moisture Retention and Slow Down Water Movement In Rootzones!  Water conservation is important as both a key factor in the health of your plants, flowers or ...