REV Revives Heat Damaged Plants! Amazing Testimonial!

The Summer heat can pose a number of serious challenges to gardeners.  It is difficult to predict how heat will effect plants and almost impossible to avoid heat stress related issues.  Fortunately REV can not only help protect plants - it can also work to revive heat damaged plants.

We recently received this amazing testimonial from a new gardener who accidentally fried her pepper seedlings in her Summer greenhouse!

"Hi! I'm writing to let you know that REV saved my hot peppers! This is my first year with a greenhouse and I was unaware that my plants would get sunburned in there without a shade cloth. Needless to say, my exotic hot peppers paid the price! I moved them to a planter and ordered your product. The pictures will explain the rest. Thank you! 

Peppers in planter: were sunburned and not doing well.   There are 5 in that planter.  
Pic of peppers in raised bed: the 3 on the left and the 1 on far right are the 4 peppers that survived! I'm not sure they would have recovered so nicely without REV! After 2 weeks, I was able to return them to the greenhouse (under shade cloth) and here they are 4 weeks later flowering!!! 

Thank you so much for this miracle in a bottle!!"

Best regards, 

Becky Brenan 

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